


EcoMap约会 are one-time sessions designed to evaluate and enhance a student's support networks, especially related to sexuality, gender identity, race, ethnicity, and culture.  这些 sessions do not count against a student's session limit (8 sessions) for the year. 


Gender-Affirming Evaluation and Documentation is available at 咨询中心 during a course of one-at-a-time treatment. 虽然 更新后的 世卫组织护理标准 no longer require an evaluation from a mental health provider in order to access HRT or affirming surgery, these evaluations may still be required by insurance companies to establish "medical necessity." 


的 Association of LGBTQ+ Psychiatrists has a provider directory that is searchable by race, gender, and location, and maintains links to a collection of useful resources.

特雷弗计划an LGBT crisis intervention and suicide prevention hotline, is available 24/7:  1-866-488-7386

反式的生命线 is a crisis line run for and by trans people:  1-877-565-8860

的 LGBT National Help Center 提供电话, online private one-to-one chat, and email peer-support, as well as information about local resources in cities & towns across the United States. 他们还经营着 LGBT全国热线, which is available to all ages from 4pm-12am Monday-Friday & 星期六下午12时至5时:  1-888-843-4564


Gender-Affirming Evaluation and Documentation is available at 咨询中心 during a course of one-at-a-time treatment. 虽然更新了 世卫组织护理标准 no longer require an evaluation from a mental health provider in order to access HRT or affirming surgery, these evaluations may still be required by insurance companies to establish "medical necessity." 


校园地图 includes markers for all-gender bathrooms. 的 Office of Student 多样性计划 也有 全性别浴室列表 在他们的网站.

Need to change your preferred name in the 火博体育大学 directory (email, registrar, 等.)? Fill out the Preferred Name Request Form.

骄傲点 provides financial aid and direct support for members of the trans community. 项目 include the Annual Trans surgery Fund, HRT Access Fund, Electrolysis 支持 Fund, Thrive Fund, and free chest binders.

的 National Center for Transgender Equalityprovides information about a wide variety of topics, and includes three particularly 有用资源:a健康保险指南, an 身份证件中心的链接 Transgender Legal Services Network.

Local Community Organizations

火博体育骄傲联盟 is a student organization that serves as a community and discussion group for topics and issues surrounding sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity/expression. 他们 meet regularly and host events throughout the semester to connect with the queer community on campus as well as the rest of the 火博体育社区.

萨拉托加的骄傲  has a website where you can find news of particular interest to LGBTQ+ individuals and allies, as well as announcements of events and a directory of local resources.

的 Pride Center of the Capital Region  is the oldest continually run LGBTQ community center in the United States. 他们提供 a number of support groups, trainings, and events (including an annual gala). 他们 also maintain a robust list of resources in the Albany area.

Planned Parenthood of 萨拉托加温泉市 offers education, resources and referral assistance, as well as hormone replacement therapy (HRT):  1-518-584-0041

用我们自己的声音 is an organization dedicated to serving the needs of LGBTQ people of color and their 家人和朋友.

的 GLBT National Resource Database maintains a searchable directory of social and support services, community centers, 青年团体等等.

同性恋医疗 (以前被称为Gay) & Lesbian Medical Association) has a directory for finding LGBTQ+ medical providers, as well as resources related to LGBTQ+ health and healthcare.


λ法律 is the nation's oldest and largest legal organization working for the civil rights of LGBTQ+ people and people living with HIV/AIDS. 

西尔维娅·里维拉法律项目 advocates for transgender legal and civil rights. 的 西尔维娅·里维拉法律项目 works to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine gender identity and expression, regardless of income or race, and without facing harassment, discrimination or violence.