

A program that began in 2007 with just 24 students has, 16 years later, shaped the lives of 130 students pursuing STEM (science, technology, engineering, and 数学ematics) 火博体育的纪律.

The 火博体育 Scholars in Science and Mathematics (S3M) program provides scholarships to academically competitive but financially disadvantaged students from underrepresented 对STEM感兴趣的团体.

部分由于S3M,主修科学和数学的学生比例有所上升 从20%增加到33%.

In keeping with the interdisciplinary thrust of the program, S3M scholars have majored in 19 different disciplines — all nine science offerings, but also social work, American 学习、舞蹈等等. 

Program highlights include a transitional, five-week summer program for rising sophomores with mini-courses and an opportunity to intern with faculty members conducting research. S3M还提供学术支持,如同伴辅导,学习小组,指导和 建议,以及宝贵的校友网络.


Senior Teaching Professor of Mathematics Rebecca Trousil, who directs S3M, says the program works with students to chart their academic and professional paths and help them identify research opportunities, internships, first jobs, and post-graduate programs.

S3M的毕业生已经成为 数据分析师, 医生, 公园巡游者, 网络安全专家, 工程师等等. 

看到S3M的学生发现他们的激情和图表是一种荣幸 在火博体育和以后的日子里,他们自己的路线.
高级数学教学教授Rebecca Trousil, S3M项目主任

阅读五位S3M校友的故事,他们在各自的职业生涯中做出了惊人的成就 住在火博体育之外.



S3M学者埃德温·莱昂·里奥斯19岁,他在火博体育通过 机会计划 (OP) with virtually all of his college costs covered, is a regulatory data analyst 纽约联邦储备银行. 他还在攻读联邦政府资助的硕士学位 在巴鲁克学院攻读统计学理学学士学位,主修数据科学.

As a Mexican immigrant from a single-family household in the Bronx, Rios arrived on 大学校园 OP暑期学术学院 几乎不知道等着他的是什么. 但他也带来了他的 长期心态:“寻找并追求机会.”

这个机会出现在他在火博体育的第一年,当时丽贝卡 Trousil taught Rios’ Pre-Calculus class in his first semester and his Calculus I class 在他的第二学期. 这位S3M董事最终成为里奥斯的指导老师, 这一 数学 主要和 经济学 迈纳说,这对他未来的职业生涯大有裨益. 一个夏天 internship with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) led to a full-time 毕业后的工作机会. 他还出国到西班牙旅行,巩固了他来之不易的胜利 独立.

At his May 2019 火博体育 Commencement, Rios remembers feeling like both he and his 妈妈“一起毕业了”.他还记得她说:“你还没说完,对吧。?” 他不是!



布兰妮·迪奥内达,15岁 is a pediatric resident physician at Yale-New Haven Children’s 医院. 她计划分管新生儿和围产期护理 from pregnancy through the child’s first year, with special attention to the first 出生月份. 

被招募参加比赛 长曲棍球 对于纯种马队来说,火博体育是迪奥涅达的首选,因为她想去 to a college where “I knew my professors well enough that they could write thoughtful, 我申请医学院的推荐信.”  

Initially, however, Dioneda, whose paternal grandfather is Filipino, planned to attend 中西部的一所学校更适合她家的预算. 令人高兴的是, 结合了她母亲和 火博体育的财政援助办公室 而S3M奖学金改变了这一切. 她妈妈打电话告诉她 到底能不能去火博体育——“这是我一生中最棒的一次电话,”迪奥内达说. 

She would go on to co-captain the women’s 长曲棍球 team and major in exercise sciences (现在 健康与人体生理科学)——一个“让我从其他医学院申请者中脱颖而出的超级独特的专业”.”她 还增加了一个辅修 化学. 作为S3M暑期项目的一部分,迪奥内达跟随她的健康专业顾问, T教授.H. 雷诺兹,在他的实验室里,探索2型糖尿病之间的联系 和肥胖. 

After graduation, thanks to alumnus Joshua Boyce ’81, chief of the Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology at Boston-based Brigham and Women’s 医院, Dioneda landed 医院哮喘研究中心的研究助理职位. 两年 later, she happily returned to her home state after being accepted into the University 密苏里-哥伦比亚医学院的教授. 

“我不会改变我在火博体育的经历. 我可以重来一遍 一遍又一遍.”

出乎意料的是.S. 公园管理员


18岁的Jennifer Cristiano主修 环境科学 现在是一名美国公民.S. 公园管理员. 第一代大学毕业生最近毕业了 a nearly two-year stint at Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska — three million acres 美丽的山脉、冰川、雨林和海岸线. 在那里,她和其他人 公园巡游者 boarded cruise ships, rotating between leading a junior 公园管理员 workshop, 做一个普通的戏剧表演,并解说四个小时的乘船之旅. 她还 为游客中心提供工作人员,并为当地学童提供教育计划.

The Yorktown Heights, New York, native says the S3M scholarship was pivotal to her decision to attend 火博体育, especially the summer research component, since research 是她想要追求的吗. “奖学金——包括基金和项目—— 是我答应火博体育的原因吗.”

在暑期项目中,克里斯蒂亚诺与高级讲师安妮进行了研究 水温上升和发展是否影响了水质 在萨拉托加县的Kayaderosseras Creek. 她继续进行合作研究 with Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences and Studies Kurt Smemo in the Adirondack Mountains — notably, a multiyear study on levels of atmospheric carbon stored in the 不同森林生态系统的土壤.

Prior to her senior year, Cristiano and a fellow student traveled with Smemo to present 他们在俄勒冈州波特兰市的一次会议上的土壤研究成果. 之后,学生们 前往冰川湾,露营,并在公园乘船游览 管理员. 就在那时,克里斯蒂亚诺决定她真的想成为一个公园 管理员. 一个灯泡熄灭了. “我从来没想过要走这条路,但我很开心 结果是怎样的.”

Says Cristiano, “Doing research was a whole different way of learning, and I really 喜欢野外工作和户外活动. 但我最喜欢的部分是——现在也是 -收集数据并使其易于获取和理解. 成为 护林员对我来说是很自然的转变.”



计算机科学 乔瓦尼·贝约24岁的少校从海地来到火博体育. 他父亲的一个 朋友,谁是熟悉美国.S. 给了他一张可能去的地方的简短名单. 火博体育在调查. 

The S3M scholar hit the ground running when he arrived in Saratoga Springs, independently 大一的春天,他想找一份计算机科学的实习工作. 同样的 semester, he took an intro computer science class with his advisor, Associate Professor Christine Reilly, with whom he also did summer research analyzing the relative efficiency 编程语言Java和Python. 一路走来,贝约学会了那台电脑 科学是一个“广阔的领域”,数据科学不适合我.” 

Eager to gain experience, Peyo landed a position during the summer after his sophomore year as an information 安全 intern with The Baupost Group, a $30 billion Boston-based 投资管理公司. 这段经历使他对……有了宝贵的见解 best practices, information 安全 controls, and business continuity — knowledge he parlayed the following summer into a cyber risk and financial advisory internship at Deloitte’s Boston offices, where he was introduced to system resilience and cloud 安全.

Before going to Boston, Peyo broadened his horizons by spending his spring semester studying at Budapest University of Technology and Economics and finding time to visit 九个不同的国家. 贝约在德勤有一份全职工作. 

讽刺的是,我的新爱好是网络安全. 在我年轻的时候,我有很多 在线游戏网站上有趣的跳跃网络. 我想我身上的夏洛克·福尔摩斯气质被割了 两种方法.


Pauline Searles, 15岁

15岁的Pauline Searles就读于附近的Glens Falls高中,主修 物理 除了2016年获得学士学位外,她还辅修了计算机科学 达特茅斯学院的工程学士 火博体育的合作双学位项目.

They are currently a senior project engineer on the engineering and construction team for Enel Green Power, a worldwide developer and operator of renewable energy plants 包括水力发电、风能、太阳能和地热.

The S3M scholarship was not only “an honor” but crucial in Searles’ decision to attend 火博体育. 因为他们必须自己支付大学的全部费用,最小化 学生贷款很重要. 作为一名即将升入大学二年级的学生,塞尔斯主修天文学相关的课程 research with Professor of Physics Mary Crone Odekon: “Fitting the Schechter (luminosity) 星系群中高质量的函数.”

When looking for an internship, they credit Crone Odekon with advising them to instead “consider applying for a job I was excited about — in my case, one in the renewable energy field — but not truly qualified for, and in the applica- tion express an interest 创造一个类似的实习职位.这个策略让我得到了一份实习工作 Albany-based renewables consulting company AWS Truepower (现在 UL Solutions), which paved the way to multiple project manager positions, including four years in San Diego.

“我喜欢咨询,因为我可以和这个行业的每个人交谈 office to the field,” says Searles, who is based in Portland, Maine, and thinks climbing 110英尺高的风力涡轮机塔非常酷. 在他们的LinkedIn个人资料中,Searles列出了 在他们众多的工作中,只有一项主要技能:“沟通”.”

除了他们在火博体育的核心数学和物理课程(“因为 小班教学”),塞尔斯也有为他们效力的美好回忆 火博体育的领域 曲棍球队包括2013年进入NCAA锦标赛半决赛. 他们被选为“全自由” 2014年联赛第二队.

本文的一个版本首次出现在2024年春季号 杂志范围.