


Nearly 100 students from seven colleges 和 universities attended the annual New York Six consortium’s undergraduate research conference, hosted at St. 劳伦斯大学 今年9月下旬. And 25% of the students came from Skidmore—a testament to their collective enthusiasm for their work 和 for the sharing of their experiences 和发现.

The other five member institutions were Clarkson, Union, Siena, Colgate, 和 SUNY-Potsdam. The conference included oral presentations 和 poster sessions in research fields from the sciences to the social sciences to the humanities (程序PDF).

“Our students were really engaged because they know how worthwhile the experience is,” says chemistry professor Reba霍华德, who attended with 乔迪·安·法西14岁 和 Erika Riederer ' 14. “Skidmore students really like talking about their research; they’re 如果人们不问他们问题,他们会很失望. 他们渴望提问 太. They underst和 it’s not good science if they don’t communicate it well.”

Bob Turner, a government professor 和 director of Skidmore’s Faculty-Student Summer Research Program, was impressed that all the students were on time—和 mostly smiling—for 五点半一班.m. 从火博体育校区出发的巴士. 他补充道:“我喜欢偷听 snippets from their conversations with their counterparts: ‘What kind of assay did 你使用? 如何控制土壤的pH值? 我喜欢你的实验设计.“他们 weren’t so much students as fellow scholars admiring each other’s work.”

“The conference was amazing—an excellent opportunity to network with fellow undergraduate 尼罗·奈尔15岁说. 他制作了一张火博体育他调查的海报 how the bacterium Bacillus halodurans encodes two distinct pathways for the synthesis 一种基因酶. This was Nair’s second consecutive summer with chemistry professor 谢泼德凯利, who he says is an “amazing mentor who encourages me to think outside 当我们在前进的道路上遇到颠簸的时候.”


安吉洛·冈萨雷斯15岁 “Comida Latina: Spanning Cultures, Building Bridges,” which analyzes 和 builds the case for food as a significant contributor to the Latinization 美国文化. He built the project’s Web site in collaboration with 西班牙语 维维安娜·兰吉尔教授. At the conference, he says, “I talked with students who also had an interest in computer science, 和 we shared a lot of neat tips 和 tricks 彼此之间. It was really nice to see students talking passionately about their research projects, 和 at the same time being interested in my food project as well.” (欲了解更多冈萨雷斯的工作,请点击 在这里.)

Turner reports that, even after their 15-hour day, including six hours on the road, the students exited the bus saying that the experience was “awesome.”


Ariel Alperstein ' 14, “Dual Pathway for Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus Asparaginyl-tRNA Formation,” 与导师 谢泼德凯利他是化学助理教授

马克·本海姆,14岁以色列·达·席尔瓦,15岁, “Exp和ing the Genetic Code With Pyroglutamate,” 与导师 谢泼德凯利他是化学助理教授

Spencer Berstler ' 15, “Synthetic Strategies in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory,” 与导师 卡拉·塞托·贝尔斯,化学高级教学助理

Emily Carbone, 14届, “Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1,” 与导师 Sarita Lagalwar, assistant professor of neuroscience 和 Susan Kettering Williamson ’59 Professor 神经科学

Michael Coffel ' 14蕾妮·夏皮罗15岁, “Hemispheric Specialization 和 Self-Relevant Stimuli Mediate Emotional Stroop Effects,” 与导师 丹尼斯翻转他是心理学副教授

乔迪·安·法西14岁, “Modulation of a Bacterial Proton-gated Ion Channel by 18-methoxycoronaridine,” 与导师 丽贝卡·霍华德他是化学助理教授

梅勒妮·芬,16岁, “Discriminating Nature of the Aspartyl-tRNA Synthetases from Three Human Pathogens,” 还有其他作者 丹尼斯·加罗法洛,13岁穆罕默德·伊斯兰 和导师 谢泼德凯利他是化学助理教授

奥利维亚·弗兰克16岁, “Underst和ing UPK: A Case Study in New York,” 与导师 希望Casto他是教育研究助理教授

穆罕默德·伊斯兰, “Discriminating Nature of the Aspartyl-tRNA Synthetases from Three Human Pathogens,” 与导师 谢泼德凯利,化学助理教授

Elise Taverna ' 14莎拉·勃兰特,14岁, “Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs among College Students,” 与导师 Robert M. 哈洛克神经科学客座助理教授

Angelo González ' 15, “Comida Latina: Spanning Cultures, Building Bridges,” 与导师 Viviana Rangil他是西班牙语副教授

Maura LaBrecque ' 14,“所有的人工甜味剂都是一样的吗?? 与导师 罗伯特。米. 哈洛克神经科学客座助理教授

威廉·米勒15岁, “Synthesis of 3-Penten-2-One: Use in the Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory, 有附加作者 Brian Geraghty ' 14 和导师 卡拉·塞托·贝尔斯,化学高级教学助理

Stefani Mladenova, 14岁S的双程路线. “金黄色葡萄球菌天冬酰胺- trna形成”,与导师 谢泼德凯利他是化学助理教授

Nilendra Nair ' 15B的双程路线. Halodurans Asparaginyl-tRNA Synthesis,” 与导师 谢泼德凯利,化学助理教授

Erika Riederer ' 14, “Alcohol Modulation of a Eukaryotic Lig和-Gated Ion Channel of Known Structure,” 与导师 Reba霍华德他是化学助理教授

卡拉·罗德15岁, “The Role of Mediator in Transcription of Inducible Genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae,” 与导师 兰迪·莫尔斯他是奥尔巴尼沃兹沃斯中心的教授

伯克·蒂纳兹,16岁卡米尔·扬格,14岁, “Experimental Manipulation of Primary Cell Wall 和 Morphological Plasticity in the Unicellular Green Alga Penium margaritaceum,” 有附加作者 朱莉·奥克斯14岁 和导师 大卫Domozych生物学教授

王思彬,16岁, “Urine-based Diagnostic Assay for Malaria,” 与导师 金伯利弗雷德里克,化学教授


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