


Federal regulations require students to make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) towards a degree in order to receive any federal student 援助, including Federal Direct 贷款. SAP guidelines require students to meet both a Qualitative (Cumulative 平均绩点) 和定量(Pace)标准在最长的时间框架内. 保持学生资格 必须继续满足SAP.

学生必须保持令人满意的累积平均绩点. 学生将 retain eligibility for financial 援助 if they maintain a cumulative 平均绩点 consistent with the Skidmore's academic standards required for graduation and meet the requirements 显示在学业进步表上. 未达到SAP标准的学生将被置于“警告”级别。 下个学期必须达到标准. 联邦财政援助 standards for academic progress are different from Skidmore's academic standards, 这是 目录中有描述. In addition, to maintain eligibility for New York State 援助, please see the New 下面的纽约州课程(要求)部分.

Additionally, students must progress through their educational program to ensure that they will complete the program within the maximum timeframe required for federal student 援助. Students may attempt up to 150% of the credits normally required to complete 学士学位,并保留联邦学生援助资格.


Students who are not making 令人满意的学业进展 will be placed on warning. If the federal standards are not met in the next 学期 a student is enrolled at Skidmore, the student will lose his/her eligibility for federal student 援助. 一个学生 placed on waiver by Skidmore's committee on academic standing has appealed this loss 并将被考虑通过联邦学生资助缓刑.

Note: 一个学生 on financial 援助 probation for a payment period may not receive federal 援助 for the subsequent payment period unless the student makes satisfactory academic progress or Skidmore determines that the student met the requirements outlined in 学业提升计划.


At 火博体育大学, students must earn 120 graduation credits to receive a Bachelor 文学学士或理学学士学位. 因此,学生可以尝试180学分 并保留获得联邦学生资助的资格. 然而,学生也必须完成 a percentage of credits attempted each year as 显示在学业进步表上 下面. Transfer credits accepted by the college are considered to be attempted and 为此目的完成学分.

如果尝试的学分介于: 然后必须完成以下百分比的毕业学分:
1-30 30%
31-60 50%
61-90 60%
91-120 65%
121-150 70%
151-180 80%
超过180 不合格的

Progress towards the degree will be measured each 学期, at the completion of the 学期. Students may restore eligibility for federal 援助 when they meet the standards SAP政策中概述的.

  • 重复的课程: Repeat course credits will be counted as attempted and earned in the calculation 联邦满意的学业进展. 注:可无限次补课 funded with federal 援助 if the student has not 通过了课程 previously at Skidmore. Only one repeated course can be funded with federal 援助 if the student previously 通过了课程.
  • 课程取款: Credits for courses with a grade of W or L will be counted as attempted credits, but not credits earned in determining Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress.  平均绩点 is not affected/evaluated for incomplete 学期s due to leave of absence.
  • 补习非学分课程: Credits for remedial non-credit courses will not be counted as credits attempted or credits earned in determining Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • 不完整的成绩: In determining Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress, credits for courses with grades of Incomplete will count toward credits attempted but not count toward credits earned 直到不完整的分数变为及格分数.
  • 转移学分: Transfer credits accepted by 火博体育大学 are considered to be attempted and completed credits in determining Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • 专业变更: 换专业对学业进步没有影响. 所有尝试过的学分和成绩 成绩将在评估进度时计算.

Students who have completed all degree coursework and academic requirements for the 他们正在攻读的学位不能继续获得联邦资助.


Students who receive Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) 来自纽约州的援助 for the first time must meet requirements 下面 for academic performance and progress 朝向度. Failure to meet these standards results in the termination of financial 来自纽约州的援助. 火博体育学院不能替代它的资源 纽约州收回的资金.


A 火博体育大学 student must be registered for a minimum of twelve 学期 hours of credit in the fall 学期 and a minimum of twelve 学期 hours of credit in the spring 学期, and must meet the three following regulations, established by 州校董会,以保持获得付款的资格;

  1. Approved Program- a student must formally declare a major not later than the beginning 他们大三的时候.
  2. Program Pursuit- a student must receive a passing or failing grade in a minimum of:
    • 第一年每学期学习六个学时 作出奖励的;
    • 第二年每学期学习9学时 作出奖励的;
    • 每学期学习12学时 在随后的每一年.
    • Grades of W (withdrawal) or I (incomplete) will not satisfy this requirement.
  3. 学业进步-学生必须达到最低标准 令人满意的学业进展.  


  • 两种类型
  1. Waiver of Pursuit of Program and/or Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements for 领取国家财政援助

A Skidmore student who does not maintain either the Program Pursuit or Satisfactory 在下列情况下,进度标准可获得一次性豁免:

  • The student can document that the reason for failure to maintain standards was the result of an extenuating circumstance that can be documented; and
  • The student receives permission for such a waiver after submission of documentation 送交司法常务官.

A waiver is not automatically granted for any student and is not intended to provide an additional 学期 of 援助 to a student who has used poor judgment or has been 在学术上不负责任. 放弃申请将遵循火博体育的既定学术 评审过程. 此后,学生将被要求达到规定的标准. 

  1. c海损豁免

It is required that a student have a C average or better after the student has received 4个学期的付款才有资格获得进一步的奖励. 换句话说,一个学生在寻找 第五学期的平均成绩必须达到C. 


  • Complete additional coursework without State support until a C average is achieved.
  • The student receives permission for such a waiver after submission of documentation 送交司法常务官

A waiver is not automatically granted for any student and is not intended to provide an additional 学期 of 援助 to a student who has used poor judgment or has been 在学术上不负责任. 放弃申请将遵循火博体育的既定学术 评审过程. 此后,学生将被要求达到规定的标准.